Musings of an Aviation Photographer

Airshows, Aircraft, Photography, and more…
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Musings of an Aviation Photographer | Airshows, Aircraft, Photography, and more…
2013: Best Photography Moments

Here we are again, a new year. With the close of 2013, and the opening of 2014, the world is rapidly changing. Electronics have advanced to where cell phones are also cameras with 40+ megapixels. Smart glasses and watches seem to be the way of the future. Now you can just tell your phone to take a photo rather than actually take it yourself. Digital cameras are getting more powerful at the cheaper range. High end professional cameras seem to be slowing a little compared to the consumer level cameras which seem to have a new one released every few months. The world is getting more and more high tech, even with serious budget crunches. There’s still a recession, but in … [Read More]

Tilt Shift Photography

Tilt-Shift Photography
It’s all the rage these days, tilt shift photography and video.  But what is it exactly?  Tilt Shift is the process of taking a normal image, or video, and mimic a shallow depth of field in order to fool your eye to think the image is of a small miniature.  Uhhh, what?  Basically, if you’ve ever tried to take a picture of an action figure, micro machines, a lego car, etc you’ll notice that the depth of field, or how much of the image is in focus, is very limited.  Usually just a part of the subject is in focus, with the things nearest to the camera and the things behind the subject completely out of focus.  That’s how we’ve all been brought … [Read More]